Some days I still cannot believe it! I’m 13 weeks pregnant and all I have to show for it is a bloated stomach.
I am delighted to share the big news a year after we moved into our new house! It feels like big things are happening (very quickly!) around here.
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Wednesday was my 28th birthday! I want to start documenting what my birthdays look like, since my memory is really bad, and I want to look back on these mems of how I spent my time with loved ones. If possible, I try to take my bday off every year to give myself a day of self care. So here’s what I did in 2021:
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We have finally moved into our new home and this month was all about buying furniture and home goods! Here’s what I picked up that Sparked Joy for me this month:
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Sparks Joy is a monthly roundup of people, experiences, or things that brought joy or value for me during this time. It’s always good to practice a little gratitude! Here is what sparked joy for me in the month of May.
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Believe it or not, it has been one year since we welcomed Dobby into our home! We wanted to foster some dogs during the pandemic but never could’ve imagined that we’d end up keeping one. We started fostering in 2019 to get a better idea of what dog ownership was like since neither HB nor I had grown up with dogs. We both wanted a dog eventually, but wanted to first experience what it was like. Through fostering, we learned that each dog is SO different. We had fostered 3 other dogs before Dobby. Lucky for us, Dobby ended up being our “goldilocks” dog - I knew I wanted to keep her after only 2 weeks!
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Sparks Joy is a monthly roundup of people, experiences, or things that brought joy or value for me during this time. It’s like practicing gratitude, but I can geek about them here online with other people!
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In the last couple of weeks while reading Acts, I came across verses talking about the Good News such as: “But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went” (Acts 8:4). It made me wonder, what is the “Good News?” Why do we Christians call it that? What is the News and why is it so Good?
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Sparks Joy is a monthly roundup of people, experiences, or things that “sparked joy” for me during this time. If you do not know what that means, then I highly recommend that you take a gander at this book! It has been a great exercise for me to think about the people or things in my life that make me happier. It’s like practicing gratitude, but I can geek about them here online!
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Previously, I expressed the desire to have a desktop aquarium. As I research, I am discovering that there are a LOT of accessories that’s involved with fishkeeping. Here, I am going to list all of the items a beginner fish parent will need + its estimated cost. Hello, reality check!
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This idea has been on my mind for a while, so let’s take a deep dive in this post. I want a cute little aquarium to display on my desk or bookshelf, but I have not taken the plunge just yet.
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